As the new year unfolds, a myriad of opportunities arise. At the onset of this auspicious year, had the privilege of being featured in an in-depth interview on the Oriental Finance channel. is an internet search engine dedicated to assisting trading enterprises in discovering global business information. It has successfully overcome barriers such as information flow and language exchange, constructing a seamless pathway for global trade.
Interview Highlights: This interview showcased's functionalities, development objectives, and unique insights and innovative practices in the field of cross-border trade. It marks a significant milestone in the company's journey of growth.
Functionalities of offers a range of features, including keyword search, AI- search, precise recommendations, bulk messaging, and the innovative "Accurate Push" service. Whether it's real-time automatic push of businesses, automatic language translation during domestic and international communication, or AI actively providing refined solutions to your queries, is dedicated to ensuring your convenience. A Vertical Search Engine: Positioned as a search engine specializing in a vertical domain, boasts a broader scope and a richer industry portfolio. With a mission to create a unique global business information search engine and a vision of helping users find global businesses conveniently, continues to grow, breaking through to nearly 20 million global businesses spanning over 190 countries and regions.
Connecting Global Trade: By metaphorically using "two tendrils," seamlessly connects global trade, enabling Chinese enterprises to step out into the world and welcoming overseas enterprises to enter. stands as the optimal choice for a global business information search engine.
In conclusion, remains your unparalleled choice, committed to providing the best global business information search engine.